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This file is in models/FHIR/.


getStringQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)
getAddressQuery(query, queryFieldName)
getNameQuery(query, queryFieldName)
getTokenQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)
getPolyTokenQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName, paramsSearchFunc)
getNumberQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)
getPolyDateQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName, paramsSearchFunc)

getStringQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query string The request query object
paramsSearchFields Array.<string> The fields of search parameter that in resource
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter

Example (Example of `address-city` of search parameter of the Patient resource)

// refresh query object to 
// {
//    "$and": [
//       {
//           "$or": [
//               {
//                   "": {
//                       "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                   }
//               }
//          ]
//      }
//   ]
// }
   "address-city": "PleasantVille",
   "gender": "male",
   "$and": []
}, [""], "address-city");

getAddressQuery(query, queryFieldName)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query string The request query object
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter

Example (Example of `address` of search parameter of the Patient resource)

// refresh query object to 
// {
//     "$and": [
//         {
//             "$or": [
//                 {
//                     "address.line": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "address.district": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "address.state": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "address.postalCode": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "": {
//                         "$regex": /^PleasantVille/gi
//                     }
//                 }
//             ]
//         }
//     ]
// }
   "address": "PleasantVille",
   "gender": "male",
   "$and": []
}, "address");

getNameQuery(query, queryFieldName)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query string The request query object
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter

Example (Example of `name` of search parameter of the Patient resource)

// refresh query object to 
// {
//     "$and": [
//         {
//             "$or": [
//                 {
//                     "$or": [
//                         {
//                             "name.text": {
//                                 "$regex": /^Chalmers/gi
//                             }
//                         },
//                         {
//                             "": {
//                                 "$regex": /^Chalmers/gi
//                             }
//                         },
//                         {
//                             "name.given": {
//                                 "$regex": /^Chalmers/gi
//                             }
//                         },
//                         {
//                             "name.suffix": {
//                                 "$regex": /^Chalmers/gi
//                             }
//                         },
//                         {
//                             "name.prefix": {
//                                 "$regex": /^Chalmers/gi
//                             }
//                         }
//                     ]
//                 }
//             ]
//         }
//     ]
// }
    "name": "Chalmers"
}, ["name"], "name");

getTokenQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query string The request query object that in resource
paramsSearchFields Array.<string> The fields of search parameter that in resource
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter

getPolyTokenQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName, paramsSearchFunc)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query Object The request query object
paramsSearchFields Array.<string> The fields of search parameters that in resource
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter
paramsSearchFunc function parameter search function corresponds to data type e.g. code, codeable concept

Example (Example of `address-use` of search parameter of the Patient resource)

// refresh query object to 
// {
//     "$and": [
//         {
//             "$or": [
//                 {
//                     "$or": [
//                         {
//                             "address.use.system": "home" //because some data types have system 
//                         },
//                         {
//                             "address.use": "home"
//                         }
//                     ]
//                 }
//             ]
//         }
//     ]
// }
    "address-use": "home"
}, ["address.use"], "address-use", (query)=> {
    try {
          queryHandler.getStringQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, *"address-city");
      } catch (e) {
          throw e;

getNumberQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query string The request query object
paramsSearchFields Array.<string> The fields of search parameters that in resource
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter

Example (Example of `variant-start` of search parameter of the Molecularsequence resource)

// refresh query object to 
// {
//     "$and": [
//         {
//             "$or": [
//                 {
//                     "variant.start": {
//                         "$eq": 22125503
//                     }
//                 }
//             ]
//         }
//     ]
// }
    "$and": [], 
    "variant-start" : 22125503
}, ["variant.start"], "variant-start");

getPolyDateQuery(query, paramsSearchFields, queryFieldName, paramsSearchFunc)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
query Object The request query object
paramsSearchFields string The fields of search parameters that in resource
queryFieldName string The name of search parameter
paramsSearchFunc function parameter search function corresponds to data type e.g. date, dateTime